Met Amensis Metalflirt

This was ROCKHARZ 2011…

Jul 12th, 2011 | von |

ROCKHARZ 2011 is over!

In the very first place we want to thank you for the absolutely incredible and peaceful festival! It was an honour to have you as our guests. We hope, that you experienced the festival as greatly as we did and had an extraordinary time. Thanks a lot for the stunning feedback! Not least we also want to say a big thank you to the inhabitants of Ballenstedt and Baderborn, who gave strong support to us whilst the whole festival.

As in every year, a special thank you goes out to the self-sacrificing helpers who catered you and the bands, constructed and demounted the stages, guaranteed the festival´s security or did reliably all the other tasks, that are necessary for a major event not ending in a total mess.

Of course we hope that we can welcome you all again in 2012! In the next two weeks you can still order the limited 666 Early Bird Tickets via our shop.

See you in 2012!

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